(979) 798-0123
2602 FM 521 Rd.,
Brazoria, TX, US, 77422 93512
The patented LVL UP Audio Towers is a product designed to meet the mobile audio, announcements, and LED lighting needs across the globe. Whether
you are needing an all in one entertainment package equipped with an amazing stereo, wireless microphone and pleasing aesthetics for your next
large gathering, or a mobile battery powered announcement system to speak to hundreds of people with ease LVL UP Audio Towers is your answer.
Units set up in minutes, extend up 29 feet in the air, and are completely self sufficient running off of a large built in battery bank. We take pride in
each build and provide excellent customer service. When you discuss with out team what it is that you need to accomplish with our unit we custom
tailor a LVL UP Audio Tower designed specifically for you.
View our pre designed Safety Tower unit
and all its great features for your event.
Look at our pre-designed Party Tower and
its amazing features for your next party.